Curves’ basic stance on disclosure is that we disclose useful information in a timely, fair and impartial manner, so that all shareholders and investors deepen their understanding of the Company and make suitable investment decisions.
(1) Disclosure of important information
With regard to disclosure of important information as described in the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Regulations on Timely Disclosure, etc. of Corporate Information of Issuers of Listed Marketable Securities (hereinafter “the Timely Disclosure Regulations”), the Company will follow the Timely Disclosure Regulations and register the information through the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Timely Disclosure Network (hereinafter, “TDnet”) after explaining it in advance to the Exchange. Following registration, the Company promptly posts the same materials on its website.
(2) Disclosure of voluntary information
Information whose disclosure is not required under the Timely Disclosure Regulations but that the Company considers useful to shareholders and investors is posted on the Company’s website and disclosed to the media to ensure active disclosure.
(3) Face-to-face disclosure
To ensure impartiality of disclosure, the disclosure provided by the Company in presentations, individual discussions with shareholders and investors and responses to inquiries is limited to the scope of information already announced.
Materials and responses provided by the Company may include information on forecasts of the Company’s business results. In any case, any statements issued by the Company other than statements of historical fact constitute predictions of future business results, etc. based on information available at the present time, as well as assumptions and judgments, and therefore contain elements of risk and uncertainty. As such, please be aware that actual business results, etc. published in the future may differ significantly from such forecasts, due to various factors.
The Company does not endorse any third-party forecasts or reports or market rumors and refrains entirely from commenting on any such information.
To prevent leaks of information on the financial accounts of the Company and ensure impartiality of disclosure, the Company designates the period from the day following the settlement date to the date of announcement of the financial accounts as a silent period. During this silent period, the Company refrains from disclosing any information or responding to any inquiries regarding the financial accounts. However, if any information about the future or important facts occur during the silent period that, in the judgment of the Company, are likely to have a significant impact on the investment decisions of shareholders and investors, the Company discloses the information promptly.