At the CURVES Group, human resources are positioned as one of the most essential management resources. It is our important management goal to respect the humanity of each and every one of our employees, to keep enhancing a sense of " job satisfaction, growth, and value, " and to ensure each individual achieves healthy and fulfilled life. This basic policy applies not only to the CURVES Group as the franchise headquarters, but also to the franchisees, and we value it as a way of managing the entire chain.
In our main business, "Curves, 30-minute Fitness for Women", we have positioned "Realization of the No. 1 workplace for women to shine" as an important strategy since our founding. We have implemented "full-time employment, two days off per week and Sundays and holidays off, no night shifts" system for our staff, which was rare in those days for “employment conditions for women as fitness instructor and customer service". We also emphasized skill improvement through comprehensive training. The mobilization and growth of female human resources through these strategies can be considered one of Curves' success factors.
Merit-based HR system
The CURVES Group builds and operates a unique and fair HR system in which salaries, positions, etc. are determined according to the performance (demonstration ability) of each employee, regardless of gender, race, etc. We clearly define the abilities required to perform each job and set 54 levels of evaluation criteria. All employees undergo self-evaluation and evaluation by their superiors once every six months. The results of the evaluation are fed back by superiors, enabling each individual to understand what abilities and skills they should acquire and leverage. Thus, this is the HR system also designed for self-growth by improving their own abilities and skills.
Status of female employment
Since its founding, Curves has managed its organization with the aim of becoming "the No. 1 workplace for women to shine." Equal opportunities are provided regardless of gender, and we strive to create opportunities for each individual to play an active role in line with their life and career plans.
Please see the link below for the male/female ratio of employees and managers entire Curves Group.
Related data
Initiatives for employees’ health
Curves Group is making efforts to raise employee awareness of health and help them become healthier by paying health allowances to those employees who meet the requirements.
Identifying employee satisfaction and reflecting it in organization management
We conduct employee surveys twice a year, providing an opportunity to employees to express their feelings openly. The management team understands their feelings and works together to create a better workplace.
Provision of education and skill improvement opportunities
Curves offers numerous opportunities for training and upskilling not only to the Group employees, but also employees of franchisees. A wide range of training opportunities include acquiring specialized expertise as a instructor, improving practical skills for customer support, acquiring specialized knowledge related to health and medicine, management skills and developing leadership. We provide a variety of learning and skill-up environments, such as regular group trainings and the e-learning environment.
Organization of collective genius that leverages each employee’s wisdom
Based on the idea that "while each person is not a genius, putting together everyone's wisdom and effort does more than what one genius does", we value learning from each other in the organization, and sharing wisdom for cooperation. As its premise, we are focusing on developing autonomous individuals who can think and act on their own.
Ascertaining the level of employee satisfaction across the entire chain, understanding their organizational culture, and reflecting in organization management
At Curves, for the purpose of improving the entire organization of the Curves chain, Curves divisions of each franchisee and each club, we conduct an annual survey of all Curves instructors on their job satisfaction. It is compiled into reports for each franchisee for sharing with them as the "Organizational Culture Survey."
Initiatives to improve employee treatment
At Curves, human resources are positioned as one of the most important management resources, and it has implemented a “full-time employment, two days off per week and Sundays and holidays off, no night shifts” system for its staff, which was rare in those days for “employment conditions for women as fitness instructor and customer service,” and continued employment for employees throughout the chain even during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the fiscal year ended August 31, 2023, efforts have been made throughout the chain to improve employee wages and working conditions, aiming to further enhance recruitment competitiveness, strengthen human resources, and enhance organizational strength.