Curves Group Sustainability
Basic Sustainability Policy
In Pursuit of Community-based Health Infrastructure, We Will Contribute to Solving Social Issues.
The CURVES Group has the following management philosophy which dates back to its founding.
- Business purpose:
- To create a society free from fears of illness, nursing cares and loneliness, filled with vitality for life.
- Our mission:
By spreading the habits of correct exercises,
we will help our members and ourselves have a better life,
and solve problems in our society.
Based on the philosophy, the Group has been operating as the community-based health infrastructure to contribute to provide solutions to contribute to solving social issues. We will put into practice sustainability management by striving to improve society and the environment in cooperation with all stakeholders including customers, our franchisees and coworkers.
Sustainability Promotion Structure

- The Sustainability Management Promotion Committee is chaired by the president and the person responsible for it is president of Curves Japan, a major subsidiary. Consisting of members responsible for different areas of business (i.e. presidents and managing executive officers of subsidiaries), the Committee specifies sustainability-related issues, sets targets and manages their progress.
- For the management of these efforts, we hold sustainability management meetings on a quarterly basis.
- Minutes of the sustainability management meetings are reported to the Board of Directors which gives advice on challenges and initiatives.
Sustainability-related Material Issues and Themes to Address
Serving as community-based health infrastructure to help customers and society get mentally and physically healthier
- Develop and improve products and services based on a correct understanding of customers’ health problems and the needs and elimination of their negatives; keep enhancing the quality of services and products offered; and keep boosting customers’ satisfaction and health.
- Scientifically verify the effect of exercise based on the idea of evidence-based exercise.
- Get actively involved in academic research that addresses health problems in society.
Business operation aimed at the highest safety and reliability for customers
- Safety and reliability of hardware (e.g. equipment, exercise machinery).
- Ensure safety and reliability in the offering of software services.
- Make the PDCA cycle of safety and reliability work to ensure continued improvements.
Create business models and operate outlets in a way that is eco-friendly and entails smaller risks of climate change
- Create business models and a mechanism of outlet operation with a reduced environmental impact.
- Initiatives for reducing the environmental impact in view of the entire supply chain.
- Create business models and a mechanism of outlet operation in a way that is capable of reducing the risks of climate change.
Develop human resources and workplaces and operate organizations for each motivated individual to shine
- Develop human resources and operate organizations in a way that enhances a sense of “job satisfaction, growth, and value” of each worker (including franchisees).
- Develop workplaces and operate organizations in a way that helps each worker (including franchisees) to stay healthy, improve his/her quality of life and be happier.
- Develop independent human resources by enabling each worker (including franchisees) to demonstrate his/her independence, and operate organizations in a collective genius manner where the wisdom of each person can be utilized.
Contributing to local communities
- Contribute to making local communities healthy and improving social capital.
- Operate a healthy franchise chain in an effort to contribute to the regional economy and employment.
Respect fair trade, human rights and human nature in the supply chain
- Form a partnership with suppliers.
- Build reciprocal relationships with franchisees who are our business partners.
(Obey the ethical guidelines established by the Japan Franchise Association) - Build a supply chain that respects human rights and human nature.
Effective corporate governance
- Enhance medium- and long-term corporate value and make managerial decisions from a strategic perspective.
- Observe the CURVES Group’s five management principles in business management.
- Orient business management toward engagement with stakeholders.
- Base decision making on the open sharing of information and lively discussion. - Observe compliance requirements.
- Build a risk management system.